Thursday, February 10, 2011

My Projects

School has kept me really busy lately, but I'm enjoying it quite a bit. My Python class is a breeze as I've been working with it since the beginning of last semester, but I'm still learning quite a bit about coding efficiently, which is kind of why I'm pursuing a Computer Science major to begin with. My electrical engineering classes are considerably more challenging this semester, but I'm enjoying almost understanding the science behind wireless communication systems. I'm even enjoying my senior design project which is at any given time the biggest obstacle between myself and my EET degree. I don't even mind too much the rate at which school is reducing my social life to the ghost of its former self.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Evolution makes me look less like an idiot

Evolution, Ubuntu's default mail client, makes me look less like an idiot with its useful reminder. The image pretty much sums it up. Thanks Evolution!